This course focuses on international arbitration as a method of resolving cross-border commercial and investment disputes, with particular emphasis on its relevance to Bangladesh. Students will study the legal framework for international arbitration, including the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards and the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration. The course will examine the Arbitration Act 2001 of Bangladesh and its provisions relating to international arbitration. Participants will learn about the procedural aspects of international arbitration, including the selection of arbitrators, the conduct of arbitral proceedings, and the enforcement of arbitral awards. The course will cover both commercial arbitration an and the enforcement of arbitral awards. The course will cover both commercial arbitration and investment arbitration, with a focus on bilateral investment treaties and their dispute resolution mechanisms. Students will analyze landmark arbitration cases involving Bangladesh or relevant to Bangladesh's interests, such as the Saipem v. Bangladesh case. The course will also address current issues in international arbitration, such as transparency, costs, and the use of technology in arbitral proceedings. Special attention will be given to the role of the Bangladesh International Arbitration Centre (BIAC) in promoting alternative dispute resolution. Students will learn about the challenges and opportunities for Bangladesh in attracting and conducting international arbitrations. The course will cover the enforcement of foreign arbitral awards in Bangladesh and the grounds for challenging such awards under Bangladesh law. Practical exercises will include drafting arbitration clauses and simulating arbitration proceedings relevant to cross-border disputes involving Bangladeshi parties.