Marriage Laws and Procedures in Bangladesh
Course Overview

Marriage laws in Bangladesh are a complex interplay of religious personal laws and civil regulations. The country recognizes marriages under various religious laws, including Muslim, Hindu, and Christian laws, as well as civil marriages under the Special Marriage Act of 1872. For Muslim marriages, the Muslim Family Laws Ordinance 1961 governs the registration and dissolution of marriages. It mandates the registration of all Muslim marriages with the local Union Council and sets the minimum age for marriage at 18 for women and 21 for men. The law also regulates polygamy, requiring written permission from the first wife before a man can enter into a second marriage. Hindu marriages in Bangladesh are governed by Hindu personal laws, which do not require formal registration. However, the Hindu Marriage Registration Act 2012 provides for optional registration of Hindu marriages. Christian marriages are regulated by the Christian Marriage Act 1872, which requires marriages to be solemnized by a licensed minister of religion and registered with the Registrar of Christian Marriages. The Special Marriage Act of 1872 provides for civil marriages, allowing individuals of different faiths or no faith to marry under civil law. This act is particularly important for interfaith couples or those who wish to have a non-religious marriage ceremony.